Law Office of Angela D. Curtis-Quintero
California Licensed Attorney for Children in Entertainment Law, Divorce/Custody, Family Mediation Services, Legal Document Preparation services & Certified Grant Writer
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Resources for Your Family
We are Committed to Helping your Family Thrive
Marriage Retreats
Family Life is an excellent resource for couples who came together filled with hope & through life's twisted roads have lost hope. (They are not affiliated with our firm. I have just made their services known here.)
Angela Quintero also highly recommends the MARRIAGE BOOT CAMP as seen on TV and can get you and your spouse a special price if you wish to attend that program in Plano, Texas.

Co-Parenting Counseling
Learn How to Work Together
There are many co-parenting counseling resources available in your area. Â We will evaluate your individual needs & provide you with helpful resources for your circumstances.